Growth is Not Linear

Growth is not linear.

Let me say that again.

Growth is not linear. 

It is messy. It is two steps forward, and one step back. It is trying and feeling like we’re failing. It is waking up early some days or staying up late on others. It is learning to work hard, but also learning when to rest.

Growth is uncomfortable. 

It comes with tears, heartache, and at times, loneliness. But it also comes with laughter and joy. It comes with feelings of inadequacy some days, and also awe in all that we are able to be.

Growth is never ending. 

It means that we understand we’ll never reach some final destination where we have everything together. It means recognizing that there is always room for improvement, and cultivating the discipline to work towards that. It means trying to be just a little bit better than what we were yesterday, even if it’s just by half a percent.

Growth means learning how to be our best cheerleader.

It means learning to stick to your priorities. It means valuing long term success over short term rewards. It means sticking to the path, on good days and bad. It means that you surround yourself with people who want to see you win, but at the end of the day, you remember that you will always be there for yourself and can cheer yourself on when no one else does.

Growth can feel hard some days, but it is always worth it.

Who do you want to be one year from now? Five years from now? Ten years from now?

What can you do today, to get yourself one step closer to that dream?

Write it down. Create a plan of action. And then start. Start today and invest time in yourself as much (or more) as you invest time in binging on Netflix or shopping or drinking or binge eating. Feed your addictions? Nope. Feed your dreams.

Plan for setbacks, because God knows they happen. But also plan to keep putting one foot in front of the other when they happen. Plan to learn from your mistakes. Dust yourself off and give yourself grace to not be perfect. And then keep trying – one day at a time. 

You only have one life to live.

How do you want to live it? Who do you want to be? What kind of legacy do you want to leave for your family? Only you get to decide. So make a decision, and then start growing.

You can do it. And I’ll be rooting for you.

Until next time,

Jeri Walden

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